Promotions & Offers

Sky High Savings
Take your savings to new heights with Sky High Savings, featuring high rate tax free savings account (TFSA), registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), and guaranteed investment certificate (GIC) products designed to help you build a secure financial future.

Relentless goals require a platform that’s all in.
Get up to $2,000 from Qtrade Directing Investing® when you open a new online brokerage account by March 31, 2025, and transfer in at least $5,000.* The more you invest, the more you’ll receive. Talk to us today or learn more here.
*See full terms and conditions.
Online brokerage services are offered through Qtrade Direct Investing, a division of Aviso Financial Inc. Qtrade and Qtrade Direct Investing are trade names or trademarks of Aviso Wealth Inc. and/or its affiliates.

Cash Back Mortgage
Buying a home is a major expense - save more of your money with our Cash Back mortgage! Whether you’re purchasing a new home or renewing your mortgage, earn cash back so you can save for your future.

New to Canada
Embrace your new life in Canada with a new credit card and receive $50 upon approval and activation to get you started.*
*Terms & Conditions apply.

0% Interest Balance Transfer*
Looking for a better way to manage your credit card debt, but find yourself getting hit with high interest payments every month?
Pay 0% on interest for the first 9 months* when you transfer your existing credit card balances to a 1st Choice Savings Credit Card for a low, one-time transfer fee of 2%.*
*Terms & Conditions apply.

Flex Rewards Welcome Points*
Whether it’s lunch with friends, streaming your favourite show, or grabbing a coffee on the go, be rewarded for the things you buy along the way with the 1st Choice Savings Centra Gold card.*
*Terms & Conditions apply.

1st Year Annual Fee Rebate*
When you apply for a World Mastercard or Cash Back World Elite® Mastercard, enjoy your first year of exclusive benefits and rewards free!*
*Terms & Conditions apply.

Flex Rewards
Get more out of your new credit card with up to 5,000 Bonus Flex Rewards Points.*
*Terms & Conditions apply.